Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ability to function

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. limerick lightheaded lighthearted liftoff lifework lightface likewise linesman lightweight limestone litterbug lockjaw locksmith lockout logrolling logjam loggerhead lodestone lodestar locoweed longhair longhand loincloth aubade audiology aubin aucupate auceps attrahent attollent aught attaint augean aulic aularian aulete auncel augend auricomous aureole aureity auricular aurantiaceous auriform aurifex auriphrygia auriferous austringer aurilave aurigation auscultation auslaut aurulent auriscope aurochs austromancy autocoprophagy autecology autarkic autarchy autocracy autocephality autodidact autogenesis autognosis autolatry autophobia autoschediasm automorphism autophagy autophanous autotheism autotropic autology autosoterism autotelic auxanometer autonym auxesis averruncate avaunt avalement aval auxology aveniform auxometer averruncator avinosis avicular avicide avizandum avital avuncular avolitional avulse avionics axilla azure azymous azoth azuline axiology azimuth axinomancy axiniform bywoner byssaceous byssine byssus byssiferous byrnie byssoid butyric butyraceous bursiform bursal bursiculate buteonine burnet burlap burke burgrave burrel bursary burrstone burgensic burrole buskin burse buss buttery byre burganet bunt bumptious bunting

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